Once again we find the signs of Autumn all around us. I regret to say that I have not had the pleasure of driving up into the mountains this year to view the scenic discoloration, or coloration, depending on your point of view about the high country foliage. I truly miss the Colorado Aspen trees. To quietly hike through a stand of quaking Aspen trees in the Fall Season is a pleasure every soul should experience in their life. At least once! And if you partake that one time, I have no doubt, there will be another. To stand in the wild as the gentle mountain breeze passes over the skin on your face, and to hear the unique sound of the Aspen’s quaking all around you…It’s literally a gift from God. If you’ve never had the pleasure, I challenge you to treat yourself next Fall!
Of course, by next Fall you’ll have long since forgotten about the ramblings of Skinton Clinton and his crazy blog…still…the gift of the quaking Aspen trees will be out there none the less. The Quakies are not the only signs of Fall, though they are clearly at the top of my list. This years tranquil beauty was marred by the unending barrage of political rhetoric and campaign ads and media. It was like an airplane flying low over my house while I was watching my favorite TV show.
The retail ‘signs of the times’ are quite visible wherever one travels about town (With the exception of the afore mentioned Quakie’s; another excellent reason to take the trip). Halloween and Christmas decorations are on display in stores and yards in every community. These two opposites of holidays are in such competition for the almighty (devalued) dollar that Thanksgiving seems to get lost in the flurry. I suppose it’s a good thing we like to eat, or we might forget to be thankful altogether. I plan to eat, and I will be thankful.
So, whether you’re thankful for the food, or the holidays, or the Quakie’s…take the time to enjoy some of the ‘best things in life’! They will be different for each of us. I will miss not getting to see my son, my daughter in-law, and my grand daughters for Thanksgiving. I have not seen them since October 2007. The commercialism of the holidays seems so trivial when weighted next to our family. But I will enjoy a relaxing day with my wife, my daughter, and my son. So if a gentle mountain breeze should cross your path this week; imagine that nature’s calling out…to you…on an Autumn day. A grove of trees is tightly bound, on the side of a mountain steep. And you hear the quaking leaves…converse, in a quiet mountain peace. Like a family gathered for Thanksgiving feast…may the breezes of the Quakie’s bring you happiness and peace.
Happy Thanksgiving
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