Actually I can't remember any of the movies I went to see there except one. I don't remember the name, but it was a horror movie. A man was buried alive in a casket and he was scratching and pounding when he woke up. I think I had bad dreams for a month. I can't remember who took me, or why Mom even let me go. She probably didn't know. OK, which one of you older siblings took me to that scary movie?
Does it even have a parking lot? What a mess it must be. Craig has changed so little in some ways. Maybe it's cool that it's kept it's old town feel, but I can't help thinking...'it is sad'. A town frozen in time.

It's weird - the town thing. Also, I still remember scary movies I was taken too. I know I didn't drive myself! Ha! The bicycle gang putting the rope up so that the next gang coming would get there heads taken off. Then there was Midnight Cowboy. Mmmmmm....