At least Beth has her hair intact. Not that she always did. Poor Beth, when she was a little younger than we see her in this photo, her older sisters (we won't mention any names) would play dress up with her. One time they totally teased her hair so that her hair looked something like Phyllis Diller.,compton,ca&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.999937,50.712891&ie=UTF8&ll=33.889744,-118.201475&spn=0,359.987619&z=16&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=33.88366,-118.20179&panoid=ugzFbyCPTDq9i-Ea_bH-5g&cbp=12,78.33260840484462,,0,5&iwstate1=dir
Only not that styled.
But you have to admit she was cute. Then there was the time they took her picture with nothing on but a ribbon. I think the older sisters had too much time on their hands.
I suppose we all had our crazy doo's back in those days. (Don't make me produce the photo's) And you all know who you are! The really funny part is that we thought the doo's were stylish at the time. Still, none were as bad as the one I am sporting in above photo.
My Dad had short curly hair and pretty much kept it the same style his whole life. (At least as much as I knew him) As he got older, he had that little bald spot on the top of his head. He passed that on to me...thanks Dad. My Mom and Dad divorced before this photo. Regardless of all that, my Mom never really stopped loving my Dad. I remember one time she saw him in town in a crowd of people. She didn't talk to him, she really didn't even see his face. But she recognized his head and that bald spot on the top of his head. She said she would recognize it anywhere. And ya know?...For some reason, I always associate that story with my Mom still loving my Dad. I'm not for sure if it was because of something else she said at the time, or the way she said it, or the look in her eyes when she thought about it...but divorced or not...Don Gardner was always the love of Eva Gardner.
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